We have all seen them...the INFAMOUS Doughnut buns!
I was on the quest to find THEE perfect DOUGHNUT BUN maker....
*Makes me hungry just thinking about it*
I found this one at Sally's for $2.50
Let's try it!
You put your hair into a high ponytail and slide the doughnut bun over it
You them spread you hair evenly around the doughnut bun maker and slip a rubber band over it as shown here-
You are gonna have loose ends
I just wrapped the ends around the bun...not what I was EXACTLY going for (and if someone has any tips on what I should do with all that extra hair, please feel free to tell me! Lol)....so this is what my bun came out like:
Again, if any of you have any tips for women with long, thick hair trying to achieve this look, please share lol.
Don't wanna buy a doughnut bun maker?
I have made three....
-Get two socks and cut off the toe of the socks.
(Make sure they are even)
- Keeping them even, roll them down.
-You will eventually get a doughnut hole!
and whoa-la!

I always see these EVERYWHERE I really want to try them!! :)
whatrebeccasaid.blogspot.com xx
This is the first time I see one, lol
We used to wear this alllll the time in middle school yo. Loved the bun!
I got one on ebay a few months ago for the same price! My hair is shorter than yours so it has loose ends but not as long as yours when I have the bun on. I wrapped mine like you did but mine wasn't such a wide wrap.
This is super cute!
I use a Conair black bun maker when I do my buns most of the time. I roll the ramined fo the hair in pin it tuck it neatly underneath the bun and it looks pretty polished, You just need to have plenty of bobby pins on hand.
so cute, when i was a child i would use the sock method ;-)
I think the finished product with your long hair looks very elegant!
Hey Stef ;)
A good way to avoid having all the extra hair left over is to put your hair in a ponytail, place the donut at the end of it and start to roll it down from the end towards the base of the ponytail. You have to spread out your hair as you go so that it covers the donut, but at the end everything will be neatly tucked and all you need is a pin or two to secure the entire bun. Also, your bun will look that much bigger. This is the method I use (except I use a sock) and it works great for me.. I hope this helps ;)
I am used to the ones made from socks. All my friends used to do this when I was younger. :) I have never tried it though.
How tight is it? I am at a cross roads with my hair. I get bad, evil headaches if I wear my hair too tight (I have migraines), but am in school & growing it out is much cheaper than the monthly haircuts required for a cute, short hairstyle.
This was also a first for me..BTW you are very resourceful! Thanks for sharing!
Your bun looks great, I was unsure what to do with them but really want to try one
oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhhh!!! I need one of these stat!!!
Hey I have tried this and it's really cute! Anyways you asked if anyone had some tips when you have long and thick hair( I do) and all I do is I put my hair in a ponytail , get the end, and instead you roll the ponytail from the ends down to the start.
Hi again I just posted a comment with a tip and I ment to say that you roll it down using the bun maker.
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