Dove Inspired Campaign!

12:00 AM

Did you know that 72 percent of girls (ages 10-17) feel a tremendous amount of pressure to be beautiful?   And only 11 percent of girls (ages 1are comfortable using the word beautiful to describe themselves?

That’s a pathetic number! But lemme tell you, when I was between the ages 10-17, I felt anything but beautiful. I am the first to admit, no matter how many times I was told by my own mother, friends, or family, that I was beautiful, I never felt it.  School didn’t make it any easier too.

I had a girl in high school torment me about my weight. Bullied, is more the word but at the time it went BEYOND bullying. It was tormenting. I asked one of the popular guys out to Sadie’s, it just so happen,  it was her crush. We were just friends and I thought nothing of it. When our pictures came back, somehow she got a hold of one and wrote, “Fat cow” across my picture. I was hurt, confused and most of all I had felt the ugliest I had EVER felt.  I swore I was NEVER gonna feel that way again because of another.

I have grown to love myself and think I am beautiful. I think all teens should feel this way! This is why I love Dove’s Vive Mejor Hablemos “Lets Talk”  campaign. Dove believes beauty should be a source of confidence, not anxiety and Dove is committed to inspiring all women and girls to reach their full potential. WE ALL HAVE potential!

More than half of girls globally say that their mother is their number one female role model (66 percent U.S., 59 percent Canada), yes, ladies, if you are a mother with a daughter, your confidence is a role model to your daughter and those younger around you. Lets start being confident and lets start being beautiful!
Today, join People en Espanol columnist and parenting expert Jeannette Torres-Alvarez this today 7 -8 pm EST (that’s 4-5 pm PST) on  Facebook here

For more information on Dove’s Vive Mejor Hablemos “Lets Talk” campaign, click HERE

Also make sure you check out Vive Mejor’s website HERE

Disclosure: My Post is compensated and in collaboration with Dove and Latina Bloggers Connect


Nekiah Torres said...

I would die without my DOVE soap and deodorant! ;-)

Susan said...

I love the message that Dove is promoting - I hope they continue this campaign for a very long time.