Hello lovlies! Let's talk lingerie! Rawr!
Recently Leonisa was kind enough to send me a product to review and I just so happen to choose a over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders...in other words: A BRA!
To be specific their Slimming Strapless Push Up Bra.
Now, in the past my strapless bras have hurt me, fallen down, and never gave my boobies that UMPH!
Well, that has all changed because this bra did ALL that and more!
The quality was amazing and it made me feel like a million bucks because I didn't have to worry about it slipping down, not staying to my skin and most of all feeling uncomfortable.
The added perk was it gave me that PERK I needed if you know hat I mean.
You can find this particular bra HERE
and you can shop Leonisa HERE!

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