Things have been great.
Life is like that huh, finding "The One." The one job that is great. The one shoe that feels comfortable. The one food we can eat over and over again. Then there's the one we love for the rest of our lives.
I have been feeling lonely. I am in love and he doesn't even know it. From the moment I met him in high school I felt like he was "the one." Significant others have came and went, we have lost touch and found each other again a few times. Recently we are both single, hang out and laugh all the time, text, talk...I still feel like he's "the one." My soul feels it.
But he doesn't want anyone. So I stay quiet. He knows how I feel for him, but I wont push the subject and I date others. Maybe I have hope that he sees our bind is incredible. But I am not lingering around. He is the one who has to watch me date men (and on several date has texted me re3garding the men I choose). His loss.
It isn't meant to be.
I cant be too worried about men right now when I am trying to show my boss I CAN do the job. I can do the work.
I have to pay my bills and worry about myself.
I know God will let things fall into place.
and someday someone will look at me like, "She's the one."
Being in love with someone who doesn't know you're in love with them (he just knows I really like him) isn't a great feeling but the show must go on.
God will make me "The one" tho all those things in my life that is meant for me.
I know he will.
I know he will give me knowledge and strength to prove myself to this job.
I will BE THE ONE for this job....

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