SATURDAY'S WITH STEF: Forever Grateful

12:00 AM

I am happy. 

It's that simple.

I have two jobs. A wonderful family. An amazing boyfriend.

I am happy.

I sit here and reflect about all those nights I cried because I felt hopeless. Reflect how I made some poor choices men wise and let some men use me as a doormat. Not just men..."FRIENDS."

I don't claim to make my life perfect. I drive a crappy car that I just so happen to love. My dream of becoming a famous writer is...well....I'm getting there lol.

I prayed for this serenity. More than I ever wrote about. I prayed to breath. I prayed to be showered with peace and love.

I cried to God. I often asked him, "Why?" Begged for him to not forget about me.

He heard my prayers.

Monday I start another new job. I pray this job is peace.

God has never left me without. He's always upgraded me.

For that I am forever grateful.

I am happy. 

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