For the last 15 months I have dealt with my beautiful son throwing his food and plate! I think all moms can relate to this...and the feeling of, "Dodge the plate! Dodge the food!"
I was contacted by ThinkBaby to review this awesome suction plate. I have heard of these, but never tried it. So like any mom, I was stoked when I recieved this product.
The Suction plate has a quick release that keeps food in plate and not everywhere in your dining room. The push button removable top allows for easy food storage for any leftover. It's super versatile, the removable suction plate allows for usage from new feeds to adults. Not made from harmful chemicals, dishwasher safe and has 2 easy scoop sections - perfect for beginning feeders.
Guess what! My son loved this plate! The plate didn't go flying and he felt like such a big boy eating off a plate that doesn't move lol. It suctioned to his highchair amazingly. Didn't budge and was easy to clean.
I truly recommend this product to parents with children who are beginning to feed from a plate. Great suction and really gives your child the confidence they need. Not to mention the discipline of "Dont throw the plate!" The perks are amazing too: YOU GET A CLEAN FLOOR! Cha-ching!
You can find your very own suction plate HERE

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