I had been eying these at Walmart, I was afraid it would irritate my skin, since I do have SUPER sensitive skin. I ended up putting it back. So the other day my mom and I were in Walgreens and she wanted to try something that takes out blackheads, Biore was SUPER DUPER expensive there, so we grabbed these. I got the the Passion Peel Off and She got the Dead Sea Anti-Stress Mud Pac
My mask had a pomegranate smell to it. Kind grossed me out at first but, then again it was pomegranate.It was gooey when first applying it. I covered my face and let it dry. At first it didn't start hardening until 5 minutes into the application, then I realized I can't move my face! It was too funny, watching myself trying to eat an Almond Roca. After 10 minutes I simply peeled it off. The product advertised itself to give you a deep cleaning and make your skin feel radiantly fresh.
It did JUST THAT! My face felt so refreshed after.
How would I rate this product?
5 out of 5
My mom used this one...so I'm let her write a little review about i:
Hey Stefanie
About the Montagne Jeunesse mud pack I tried the other day. It felt really cool going on. I like the thickness of it. The downside was that it was a bit messy taking off. But, the smell was really refreshing and the after effect was rejuvenating, it felt like I had a freshly scrubbed face. It left my skin with a slight tingle. I would give it 4 stars for use and 5 stars for price. I would differently use this part of my skin care.
So would we recommend these products?
Go out and give yourself a facial!

I'm a huge fan of dessert too but I was learning to decorate so I was touching and poking the cake throughout. It was definitely not appetizing after my two hour class in a hot room where people do their other crafts. It was more an arts and crafts piece at this point than food :)
I love giving myself facials! I get my masks from Asia but it's definitely fun to have girl's nights where everyone has a mask on!
I have to check this out! I havn't done something like this since I was a baby (I would go through my moms stuff lol)
Yes, these are nice...
I want to try these!
I usually don't get facials, I just use St. Ives apricot scrub occasionally and it leaves my skin beautiful and refreshed. It's also great for the body.
hahha i used a heat up one by the same brand before my school spring ball and i think i had a little reaction to the heat! my skin puffed a little and went super red! I was sooo anoyed and upset! but I cooled off my skin by sticking my head out the window :P anyway after about 30 mins I was fine and my skin glowing and smooth! at first obviously i hated the product but i would definatly use them again but maybe just a different type ;) thanks for this post, gave me a little reminder :) and I just love the name 'if curves could talk' :) xox
I see those everywhere and have always wanted to try them and now I will Great review, girl! :D
I need to pick some of these up...I love putting on masks and then feeling like my face is extra clean lol. Thanks for the review! :)
I love those face masks -cheap and easy too! I used the Passion Peel off one last week - loved it! But I found it took ages to totally dry completely - But I had a definite glow afterwards! =)
OMG...how cute are both of y'all!! I have got to try this! I swear you find the best beauty products!! Ok so tell me why you are still GORGEOUS even with a mask on your face....ugh!! lol Kiah
Oh! I love these, me and my friends use them everytime :D especially the first one, it's so fun to peel it off ;D I follow you now, maybe you wanna follow back =)
You should try the Lady Soma brand "Antioxidant Berry Masque". It works great, smells great, is all organic and is about 4x cheaper than any other enzyme peel on the market (because it is half the price and twice the size).
It made a huge difference on my skin and I would recommend it to anyone who has acne or a dull, bumpy complexion. It does sting a bit, but it's supposed to do that and its not so bad. And afterward it feels great.
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