Meet this he beautiful 83 year old woman, Jane Cisneros!
Beautiful Aint she?
However, she is currently loosing her battle to Alzhemiers and Demensa. It has been the hardest thing for her family to go through.
Jane, is one of my REALLY good friends Grandmother. I lost my grandmother back in 1992 due to Alzheimers. I know what Nicole is going through. A horrible thing to watch someone fade a way.
I asked Nicole to write a little something something to explain to you guys just how important this is.
"Every day is a new battle with ups and downs that no one should have to go through. I am her only granddaughter and one of the last things I promised her was to complete this walk even if she passes near the date of it. This walk means more to me than any walk or anything I've ever accomplished. I am hoping to not only reach but pass my goal of $500 and need all the help I can get, to not only raise money but raise awareness for families and friends of their loved ones who may feel lost or alone during this rough process. Please with just a $1 a donation we can come together for my grams Jane and for anyone else who has had to watch their loved one die or currently fight this disease!!"
So where can you donate?
CLICK HERE or copy and paste this link:
If you guys can please spread the word and help my friend Nicole out. A $1 donation can go a long way to help fight this battle!
You can also vlick on the purple ad on the right hand side of my website to donate!
Please help Nicole.
I knwo I wish I knew about these causes as a kid. I am sure my grandmother would have been proud.

Stef, As hard as it may be right now for me to reach out and talk to you or anyone Thank u from the bottom of my heart! We also got our first donation from one of ur viewers, Susi Shor thank u!!! u may not know me or my grandmother Jane but thank u for making a difference!!!!! god bless and in advance thank u to all who take the time to read this and make a difference!!!
Stefanie, please let Nicole know from myself and my friend Michele from, that we are sending lot's of good wishes. Tell her to take care of her grandma and stay strong. We have both donated, Michele in honor of her grandma and me of my mom who is 73 and already beginning to get very forgetful. Lots of luck with the walk!
Team Bravo and Michelle may god bless u both, i recieved email notification from the donations and i thank u from the bottom of my heart. i will pray for ur mom n michelles grandma, it is a very long and rough road but with strength and courage u will make it thru the end.
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