Tee: OP
Shorts: Faded Glory
Sweater: None (Ive had it for 14 years, the tag is peeled off lol)
NOTE: Yes I have cellulite and I am darn proud to have thunder thighs! I love my thunder thighs!! and my so called cottage cheese!
So I went hiking in the Hollywood Hills to find some mysterious bat caves Angelenos were talking about. I wanted to share my hike with you!
The beautiful Hollywood Hills trail!
Mom & I staying active and healthy!
The caves! I loved this cave! In fact I wanna come back here! Isn't it awesome? They filmed power rangers and batman the TV series here. These caves are man made by the way!
In front of the cave
Photo ops! Do you see the Hollywood sign behind me in the first picture?!
After we worked out, we went to the FAMOUS grocery store Gleson's. TONS of celebs shop here but I spotted none. However I loved they marked the avocados "Ripe and ready to eat" Something I have NEVER seen in my life! I thought it was cool!
We ended our drive cruising down Hollywood blvd to get home

I think my Uncle's taken me to Glenson's before for sushi and he mentioned it was a pricey place to go :)
The hike looks fun and it's so great your mom and you are doing something active together!
You look so gorgeous!!! Seriously. I have cellulite too in some areas (back thighs). It does get better with exercise and moderate weight loss :)
It looks like you had a lot of fun!
Stef, you know, you don't need to mention that you have cellulite or stuff like that because by you pointing that out that's what people will see right away even if they were not even thinking about that, you're beautiful and the least I'm looking in your pics is that, I just see an awesome person that I like visiting her blog.
very good, so proud of you guys being all active ;-)
thats great keep up the great work
It looks like you guys had so much fun! I have to say I admire you so much. It's admiring how confident with who you are, and you love yourself. Not a lot of people can say they have a healthy relationship with themselves, so just know that you're an inspiration to a lot of women!
ssweeet!i want to go see the hollywood sign! and i looooved power rangers growing up, yellow ranger was my fave, so i'm gonna have to visit that man made cave!lol.
Stefanie, you're so cute! Hike looks like fun :)
now that's a hike! how fun!!! wish i had caves around my home for hiking. i'd run and hide and hide and run all day! haha.
loving the confidence. work it girl!
I LOVE this post Stef. You look gorgeous, so does the hiking area, your Mom looks lovely and OMG...now I so want to visit Southern Calif. (I haven't been there since I was 14) Have a great week, hugs.
looks like you got just as far as me
WOW... I live in LA and have been wanting to go on a hiking trip since forever... your hike looked great. We should plan like a group thing one day.
wow...love the hike...I too have cottage cheese thighs and I wear my shorts proudly...loved this post, we should plan a LA Latina Bloggers day here...
Zulmara Maria
I am gonna start getting active too. I have ordered some work out gear. Would you believe that I don't own any! lol Have I told you lately that I love you? Well I do. You are such a special blog friend Stef!! Thank you for always leaving me such encouraging comments! MWAH! Kiah
I love that you embrace and love yourself as you are! Looks like a beautiful day for a hike! Yay for cellulite too...I can tell you it is an accessory...hehe...no matter what your size is, I sport it too! :)
Sigh, I really miss living in Hollywood ;[ Good for you and your mom for being active! I much prefer hiking and activities like that over regular old working out.. it's so much more fun ;)
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