So this past month I have taken up Zumba...yes, yes I am late on the Zumba train and I will tell you why!
I was afraid to look stupid.
Yes. That is the only reason. But I found a great instructor by the name of Daisy (which if you click on her name you can see her schedule and if you are close enough, JOIN ME!) and no matter if I cant keep up or cant get the moves right, I enjoy. I enjoy looking stupid! We all look funny doing Zumba at one point or another! Its fun! Yes, looking stupid has never felt more liberating and fun!
Also I get a MAJOR amount of Weight Watcher Activity Points...SCORE!
But that's not the jest of taking Zumba I have just realized that it's okay to look stupid! And with dating in particular. I have been on date after date with a few men. I swear dating should be the time of my life, but I actually caught feelings for one. Sadly, he and I had different views. Should we just date or do we enjoy the you can tell I wanted to date and he didn't. Which was cool. There was an unbelivable amount of chemistry but I guess things ended up getting messy because just staying friends was HARD. He took NUMEROUS jabs at me. NUMEROUS & sadly I chose to part ways just a few days ago. While some other woman (I guess he is now seeing) was busy talking and laughing about me, because he took her to Johnny Carinos for a glass of wine and me on a date to Shakeys, where we enjoyed laughs and great conversation and OBVIOUSLY sparked his interest, she laughed. Said he only takes "CERTAIN" kinds of girls to Shakey's....I dunno, but honestly I am glad he took me somewhere I liked, he liked and we both enjoyed ourselves.
Mind you this is a girl he talked nothing but caca about to me and called her HORRID names. So I am sure she would feel stupid if she knew the truth.
As stupid as I may have looked to her, I realized I WAS GOOD. I am not the "One up" woman. And I didnt feel stupid. All the dinners we had, almost 2-3 times a week and our late night desert time at Denny's, was US. That was the REAL him not trying to impress me because he didnt have to and vice-versa. It was OUR THING. Texting each other every morning, receiving his "Good morning" and "Good night" texts....Spending time with him laughing and being in silence and not having to impress him. Not stupid to me at all.
I may look stupid.
Sure, but I know that it felt effing fantastic!
And that's all that matters!
In life, you're gonna look stupid to others, but what matters is how you feel.
I am a shakeys and beer kind of gal.
I dont need wine to impress a guy.
I may look stupid from time to time...
Thats life!

U have a very pretty face! Enjoy your zoomba classes ^_^.
Stef, you are still a young woman... might be hard to see that but you are. This is but another learning experience and it seems like you are able to see the positive in it.
I think I may be talking about some of what I would do next were I in a similar position... but it will be from my perspective... anywho, keep on with the positive affirmations and confirming them by DOING what you need to do to make yourself into the person you want to be...
You don't look stupid at all :) you look so cute! I make crazy faces too when I'm made up and my bf laughs about it .
Have a wonderful weekend <3
Obviously that guy is just being a total jerk! You should feel fabulous and good luck on Zumba!
Sref he's so not worth it and you're too much of a lady to be taken to shaky's I mean seriously this guy sounds he's no good anyway. He did you a favor and so glad you're able to walk away from it with a very important lesson learned. YOU'RE WORTH SO MUCH AND YES It's ok to look stupid sometimes.
<3 Marina
Zumba is so much fun!
Enjoy being comfortable in your own skin. It's something a lot of us have a hard time with. I really appreciate the honesty and positiveness in your posts. You're a doll! :)
OH, and who cares if you look silly at zumba?! No one is watching you anyway, they're watching the instructor!
if one is confident they could never look stupid, rock those glasses ;-)
Good luck with Zumba! My sister is taking the up too. Can't wait to see the progress.
Oooh congrats on the Zumba! I have the DVD as i feel kinda stupid to go to classes, but i think i'll start the classes instead as it seems more fun!
I actually Zumba at home (via my Wii) because I'm worried about looking stupid in front of other people. Sorry you had some drama but you came out the bigger person by brushing it off and being okay with what you and that guy had going on. In any event, Shakey's is the shit, so screw her. Lol.
I love this collage pic of you!
I also am re-vamping my side panel on my blog and adding buttons of blogs I dig and of course I needed a button for your blog and I made one using this pic heehee :) I hope you like it cause I love it! :)
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