I recently got an email from Janie over at DailyVenusDiva.com about this FABULOUS website.
The website is dedicated to us Curvy women. The website features blog articles, fashion, culture, physical well being, and beauty!
The website offer tons of incite within the fashion and beauty world for us Curvier women. Not to mention, the website offers finds and coupons for curvier women. I would TOTALLY check this out. I actually spent a good 45 minutes on the website!
What I really loved the most about this website is, it dealt with every day life of a curvy woman. Gave you beauty tips, fashion tips and just overall how to take care of your well-being. Not to mention, it offered sites in which you can find clothes!
Janie, Also linked me to a website called Fashion to Figure. I have not even heard of this website, but was so amazed at all the cute outfits and clothes this site has to offer! I browsed and here are some of my FAVORITE pieces. NOTE: I have yet to buy from this website. I am a poor college student. So I cannot review any of the clothing (Which I so badly want to!)
Tell me what ya think?

They should send you some of those clothes so that you can review them.
I agree Marta!
Love all the pieces...I agree with you two, you should be sent some items for review. :) It's good to see that there are more options for curvier women now a days. I, myself, am not very curvy, but I don't believe society should limit what curvy girls should wear. Curvy girls can be fashionable too, look at you. :)
The clothing from there is nice! I reviewed a dress that they let me choose a couple of months ago! Good quality and reasonable pricing!
Oooh, I like the peasant top with the embroidered detail on the front (first photo) love the sleeves on it!
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