So I haven't weighed in, in a few weeks!
Ive been tracking! Ive been doing everything but weighing in. And since I refuse to OFFICIALLY weigh-in at home, I haven't made it to a meeting.
Parts of it is because of the cost of gas.
Parts of it has to do with selling the house.
Parts of it has to do with my bro coming home
and well the rest....LIFE!
For sure next week you will get a weigh-in post with an actual weigh-in!
Owning up to everything is a HUGE part of the process. I will admit, these past two weeks I have been emotionally eating. Mini-churros from Jack in the box, Reese's, and something hit me the other day. I was out with a guy friend whom I thought was cool to chill with and we were talking and he, OUT OF LEFT FIELD, Came out of nowhere, that he is going on a date with a 45 year old woman who looks 25. In his words, "Her body is so tight it would put 25 year olds to shame" Mind you, He was hugging me. Grabbing on to my fat and all. Needless to say this past Sunday was a HUGE fight. In which my weight was brought up.
I have NO SHAME to say I lost weight from weight watchers. NO SHAME in saying I count points. IT WORKS FOR ME!
If you wanna lose weight, you find something that WORKS FOR YOU. Not what works for others! WW may not be for you. But I am living proof that I eat everything I want and still lose weight.
So I say this to you....
I also say knocking someones weight is NOT COOL!
Not at all!
I think if you have to make fun of someones weight, that is a reflection of you. Weight bullying is NOT THE BIZ! And it makes one look ugly!
So with that said, back to counting points I go!
And to get me a a slurpee! Its hot here in L.A!

Honesty is so important in this journey and you are incredibly so :)
Keep up the great work and great job tracking!
Stef, you don't have to give any reasons for why you do what you do. Your happiness is all that matters. :)
Keep up the good work! I've been thinking about trying weight watchers...I've been doing a shake program and I'm getting tired of drinking shakes all the time! Btw, I think you look great! Your hard work is paying off :) has an app for the phone now that you can use to track your food, fitness, weight, etc. It's really great for "on-the-go" people =)
Being aware of what you are doing is 'keeping it real' to the only person who matter... YOU..! I think you have a good understanding of where you are and where you want to go... just remain determined to get there and you will..!
Keep up the great work and excellent advice..!
Keep up the great work! I totally agree you have to find what works best for you. I used WW before and was able to lose weight. Now I don't track my food since I got used to the point system.
Keep up the great job gorgeous and I'm with you is never ever ok to bully!!!
<3 Marina
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