Johnson & Johnson’s #InspireCare social media campaign!

12:00 AM


Most would look at me and say, “Stefanie, you’re not a mom.” That may be true, however, I was GOING TO BE a mom. Unfortunately, I lost the baby. However, I can tell you who inspired me to want to be an awesome mom when I found out I was pregnant: MY OWN MOTHER. My mother raised two children on her own and took in 2 more after she got married. She worked full-time as a nurse and went to school full-time. She always made sure we had clothes on out back, food in our stomachs, and a roof over our head. She sacrificed a lot just to provide for us. Now that I look back, my mother often went without new scrubs for work, new clothes, new shoes, and vacations that she oh so needed. I knew when I found out I was pregnant; I wanted to provide for my child, as my mom did with us kiddos. There was no doubt in mind that I wanted to show my kid, the same kind of unconditional love that she has given me. When the time comes that I finally do birth a baby, I know that I will do everything in my mind, body and soul to give my child(ren) the same as my mother did with me. 

Johnson & Johnson and its partners support global motherhood with programs that meet the needs of moms and babies in the U.S. and around the world. Did you know that for  many years, Johnson & Johnson has worked with its partners to care for the well-being of mothers and children around the world?  Johnson & Johnson and its partners touch an estimated one billion PLUS people’s lives each day through their health care products, services and various programs.

 At this year’s LATISM 2012 conference, Johnson & Johnson will be showcasing some of these initiatives under the theme “global motherhood.” You and others are invited to learn more about their work and help them spread the word through social media about the challenges that mothers face around the world. You, like my mother,  can inspire mothers like you to join them in helping other mothers by raising awareness about important issues and some of the solutions that make a difference. If you are going to LATISM 2012 make sure you stop by suite “Arboretum II” during the LATISM conference to talk with Johnson& Johnson and its partners about the amazing work they do globally!

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