After a break up there is a lot of repairing to do. When I say "a lot"...I mean A LOT. It's taken me some time now to start loving me. ALL OF ME. Cellulite and all. I can now FULLY say, I am okay with myself enough to stand in front of the mirror naked and not feel so low.
So, where is this entry headed? Well, I will tell you...My whole life I have been the bigger friend. All my friends are skinny-minnies. And to be honest, I don't have many friends. I got One best friend Named Sher and One best friend named Jonathan and about 6 REALLY REALLY REALLY CLOSE friends (Thats all I need to be honest)Well, the rest lets call them acquaintances, so I am surrounded by thin women ALL DAY. However, it wasn't up until 2 years ago I have LOVED my curves., Wasn't up until this last break-up when I was put back on the market...
Anyways, back to friends....
I go to the gym...I eat healthy (or try to lol) and I use PORTION CONTROL every time. I know I am a healthy Latina. I know I am a healthy woman. So here I am, at a point where I can say, "I'm okay" with myself naked. And I realize that people who I thought would be supportive, aren't. These are other women who are bigger than me. Which is weird. Then I heard it, "I can't like you no more, your gonna be skinny!" and it was then I realized, true colors are coming out. The Jealousy. I don't plan to be thin. Let's make this clear. I will settle for a size 12 and that my friends, is all I to be a size 12! But come can't be around me? Just because I am choosing to live a healthier life? You got to be kidding me.
But then I have people who are losing weight and feel the need to compete with me. When did this become a competition. Since when did losing weight become a competition?
It seriously frustrates me when others are concerned with MY weight loss. MY life. The way I see it is, "You stick to your side of the street and I will stick to mine! If we can respect that, then it's all good in the hood!"
Any who, Did you see the Vogue Italia?
Curvy women dominates the June Issue! How awesome is that!?
CURVES For The Win!!!

Steph, I am so happy for you that you are learning to love yourself for who you are and what you look like. I'm proud of you that you are choosing a healthier lifestyle because most people dont. As far as those "friends" that are saying that they can't hang out with you anymore or want to compete with you. Wow! Really? That's not a friend, those are people that can't see somebody doing something good because they try to out do you. I had a friend like that once, and I took her out of my life. I can't allow myself to have toxic people around and you shouldn't either. Real friends are there to support you and do things with you, but they shouldn't want to compete with you and out do you. Just my opinion. Take care Steph. =>
Haha, btw, I forgot to mention in my previous comment that you look gorgeous. I love the picture of you. =>
Love that cover of Vogue soooo much. I always said if I were a mail, I would go for a curvier gal, for sure! If I looked good curvier...I wouldn't be so uptight about my weight. I mean, I never was...until people in my own family got on my case about my weight for a few years after I had my daughter. I do tend to gain weight easily. And let's face it, I'm technically "middle aged," even though I don't think I look or feel like it! The thing about my weight gain is it goes to my face...and my face and neck look all puffed and bloated. It is not sexy on me, unfortunately. However, I want to be healthy. I want to be the healthy weight for my height and age....I eat healthy because I just happen to love healthy food...but I'm not above "junk" food, either. I don't have any of the old-fashioned vices others, I can indulge in my baked goods and occasional soft drinks.
You look great and what matters is that you are feeling great. People, especially women are very hung up on competition and weight. It is sad, really. We need to boost each other up as sisters...But of course, it all starts on the inside, as we know. :) Love you, Beauty! Keep up the great work on yourself, FOR YOURSELF! xoxo
I had an online friend who started losing a lot of weight and her heavier friends turned on her. I don't get why that is other than it just had to be a jealousy issue. You were one of them and now you're not therefore you are the enemy.
You keep doing what you are doing. You are trying to make yourself healthier and it's not for anyone else but you. If supposed friends have a problem with the newer you emerging that is their issue.
People jealous cause you choose to lose weight!!! What is this world coming to? Girl haters are gone hate so just let them hate! You are doing great and you are looking great and most importantly you are doing this for YOU not anyone else!! Kiah
You go girl! I think you are absolutely beautiful now. Size 12 is a great place to work towards, from a health perspective and a fashion perspective. So many cute clothes you can fit in the juniors section. Yiiii. I've always been like you in the respect that I've always had friends who are totally beautiful and skinny. So I've learned to accept I'm not a stick.
I'm so used to be the larger friend too so it's nice to know I'm actually fitting in with the crowd now.
I hate people who need to make it a competition too. Then again, when I hear about their success, it keeps me on my toes too!
I call those type of friends "silent haters" afraid to go for a change!!! Kudos to you for taking the healthier route...eff the rest!!! By the natural pic of you is really really pretty!!!! You look so happy and you have a natural glow that CAN'T BE BROUGHT ANYWHWERE!!!
I had to comment on this, I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't usually see much of a problem with my weight, (wouldn't kill for me to lose a few :P) but for the most part, I'm grateful and yet I am constantly reminded by size 0,2,4 friends that I'm the biggest one out of the bunch. But you know what, you're curvy and that's something people pay for to get so don't let others put a damper on your mood. All you need to do is worry bout yourself and the rest will fall into place =)
And you're absolutely gorgeous!
take care~
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