Just had to throw that out there before we proceeded. Thank you to everyone who wished me a speedy recovery, My eye still looks puffy and red but with meds and now the puss out, Ill be healing.
Okay on to much prettier visions....
Lets talk about Self-Love and worth!
I had a friend on Facebook say that if a woman outs "I NEED a man"(Which I do this) , she needs to love herself and know her worth because that isnt self-love or worth. Now I didn't respond to this because I put that status, if the status was targeted to me or not, I didn't really care....subliminal Facebook statuses are cowardly ways to confront someone.
But here's the thing, I LOVE ME! Just because I post a status doesn't mean I don't know my worth...
DO YOU THINK IF A WOMAN POSTS "I need a man who_________" needs some self-love and worth?
I was boggled with another friend who agreed. Said some pretty harsh things. Again, I dunno of it was particularly about me but I just think "Hmm timing seems to be a coincidence"
I didn't respond because the truth is. I know my worth. I knew my worth since the moment I walked away from my addict abusive ex boyfriend. I have been loving me EVER since. It shows ion my physical appearance, in my words, in my thinking and in my soul.
How does someone else determine another persons worth---- is what I'm thinking?
What gives them THAT right?
It doesn't give them ANY right to judge a woman by a facebook status and say she needs to love herself more instead.
See, I really can careless what others think of me and if that status was about me, I just think, Who in the hell has the right to judge my worth or out a damn price on my worth from a FACEBOOK STATUS!
I need a man who is gonna come home and lay in bed with me and bring along Reese's pieces! Hell I NEED a good man in my life to show me what I have been missing. AND WHAT! Lord knows I don't need another man hitting me, yelling at me, lying to me and cheating on me.
It just made me really see how people are so quick to put a price tag on others because of one simple Facebook status. One simple move.
Such a shame....No one should have been marked with a price until you have walked their shoes. No one should be told "You need self-love, not a man"...
I love me! And I will say that until I am blue in the face...
With that said, I think I am ready to date!

If that was directed at you, then it was REALLY lame! Seriously, people need to mind their own business.
I'm so happy that you're ready to date, you deserve it girl!
Oh Love!!!! Im so glad you are feeling much better, I already told you what i think, and to me it is a cowardly way of saying that, do you think that person loves themselves when they are whoring around? Dont think so, It kinda disgusts me that Since we all went to the same high school they still need to have this reputation to hold up and for what? That is the reason why I LEFT and went to a different school i couldn't allow myself to be part of a society like theirs. and I think It's made me a better person today. I Believe since we have lost touch but now are regaining that touch YOU LOVE YOURSELF and RESPECT yourself then most of these girls that WE know. YOU have come a long ways through trials and mishaps and i think you are an amazing person for that! I love your posts! cheers to that mama <3 love you
girl pleaaase! that is one of the most ridiculous things i've heard ever! a woman saying out loud that she needs a man is a woman speaking her mind. pple who have a problem with that just need to get their heads out of the ignorant sand its buried in...i NEED a man who'll love me for me! glad your eye is better doll. great post by the way...
Sis, you look so AWESOME! Happy, joyful, beautiful! You have come so far. Whoever made that comment is just projecting their own issues with self-worth. I totally get what you mean when you say, "I need a man who..." I feel the same. It has nothing to do with self love. It's putting what WE WANT and NEED out into the that the universe can do its thing and get to work on it! Love you, Girl.
That's a cute pic!
There is nothing wrong with letting people know what kind of man you're looking for.
Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks!!!
GOD.... Some people need a reality check!! Its alllll jealousy!!!
But... since you're ready to date...
will you go out with me :)
(PS i really wish we could edit comments we posted!! get on it blogger :P)
Yikes! People take themselves, life and Facebook WAY too seriously. Wanting or needing a man doesn't make you love yourself less than anyone else - if anything, it shows that you're more attuned to your feelings and who you are because you're comfortable enough to know what you want!
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