I want to address this. This past week I was a victim of 3 people picking on my weight. ONE girl in particular struck a nerve. This VLOG is for us thicker women who are told we aren't beautiful. This VLOG is for the women who aren't thick and get picked. This VLOG is for ANYONE who has EVER picked on someones weight to make themselves feel better! This VLOG is about Weight bullying and I am a victim who stood up and taking a stance.

It's mean to make fun of others. Maybe that mean woman need to eat something. When people don't eat good food, they get bitter and mean. The hourglass shape is one of the most desirable body types and you have it! I enjoyed the video!
It sad that woman can still do this Ladys we are not in grade school we dont need drama!
I love you blog/video doll keep it up!
great vlog amiga. <3 . i love your positivity.
You rock. I don't have to tell you it's not hard to figure bullies out,they are either jealous, unhappy or feel bad about themselves. You just keep being you and let haters eat your dust.
More power to you girl! Some women are very immature and cannot look beyond vanity and see through someone's heart. Every person is beautiful and unique in every way!
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