VLOG: Trust your instinct....

12:00 AM


A little background on this...I have a group of best friends and a wonderful family. Someone who was an acquaintance said I didn't know myself...BASED on what I choose for them to see. Said my choices per blogging and in life have been "poor"....Funny because I am sitting pretty, calm, cool, and collected. I have made decisions based on MY instinct, no one elses, because at the end of the day, my support system STILL loves me for me! Mistakes and all!


Big Mark 243 said...

... you will be surprised to find out who don't really like you and those who do and will support you... and I definitely believe that a person should trust their instincts...

Anonymous said...

great video stef! i agree, just because someone has made mistakes in the past (we ALL have) doesn't mean its ok to say or think that they don't know what their doing. we can't grow as humans if we don't make mistakes. i personally will be the first one to admit that when i was young i made many mistakes but i learned from them and grew and came out stronger. I'm glad you cut that person out of your life because no one needs a person like that in their life.

♥ CG ♥ said...

Life is not full of roses and violins...they need to mind their business. Anyone who claims to have made all the right moves/choices is delusional. The victory is in learning, growing and no repeating mistakes.

Unknown said...

You are such a sweet girl. You did the right thing..Cut that individual right on out of your life.. True friends are there to support, inspire, encourage. That comment of not knowing yourself was out of line and in my opinion very insulting. See that person didn't KNOW you, that's what it boils down to.