This makes my weight-loss a total of 41.4 pounds!
Go me!!
This means I weigh LESS than I did in High school!
And to make this EXTRA special, I decided to bust out my prom dress to see if I can fit in it again...
I DID! It even was big on me!!! Do you see the difference?
Getting back in that dress brought back a lot of memories of my ex. On prom night, he broke up with me as soon as we got there, on the dance floor, to No Doubts "Don't Speak". I felt so beautiful back then and I remember keeping my composure, while all my friends wanted to kick his behind!
But it also made me feel so proud of myself and inspired me to keep going.
So I tried on my winter formal outfit, which took place just a few months before prom...
and guess what!
Do you see a difference here too?
These dresses are beautiful and I am so happy I have not thrown em away.
Who knows! Maybe Ill go to an adult prom, or a formal, or maybe be a princess for a day and go to a ball!
I was so proud of myself and thought, "Stef, keep going, you feel great, you look great...."
So I lowered my MINI-GOAL. 175. Five pounds, think I can do it before June? We'll see!
Until then
If you cant take care of you, how in the world can you expect to take care of someone else?
Love yourself and the world will love you back!

15 comments: look so beautiful and you have a right to be proud. You made a goal and you stuck to it. And yea ur friends should have kicked his ass for breaking up w/ u on prom But who cares!!! You look great.
Piksty :-)
You looked good then and now you look even better! Congrats!
Congrats! You look so great!
You go babe!!! You look even better now! And that jerk dosen't deserve you! Xxxx
Talk about inspirations!! Girl you look great!!
Yay, congrats on the loss and getting back in to those dresses! xx
Hi Stef. GIANT woo hoo and congrats to you. You are truly an inspiration!!! And you are beautiful inside and out. HUGS! xo
Keep up the good work! You look great.
Congrats, you look great! Can't believe you saved your dresses from HS...I donated mine ages ago. But would be cool to be able to fit into anything from HS.
Im so proud of you stef...
You look soo soo sooo beautiful and stunning.
Super proud of you, you should feel amazing about yourself. I cant stick to a goal to save my life...
Luv u gurl!
Your blog family..mwah!
OMG!! You look younger now than you did in high school! I can't believe you still have those dresses! That is fantastic. Girl you are looking BOOTYLICIOUS!! BOW CHICA WOW WOW!! LOL Love ya Chica!! Kiah
OMG you are absolutely gorgeous <3 <3 Big congrats :D <3
WOW!!!!!! Congrats chica, wow uve lost so much weight, u look great!
Very Proud of you!!!
Its very inspirational to see the difference. Thank you SOOO much for sharing. :)
you are looking very nice. your dress up very beautiful.
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