*GO ME!*
I lost 3.6 pounds this week, which means, I got my spiffy 10% Weight Watchers Key chain! I am so happy! Despite today, burying my grandfather, he always encouraged my mom and I on our weight loss journey. So getting this key chain is a stepping stone in my weight loss journey. I am 1 pound away from being under 200 pounds and honestly I just wanna be 199 for my SMALL GOAL. That's all I want to reach this week, is 199 pounds. Not losing 3 pounds again, just 1 pound is all I want, hell even a few ounces! Just as long as this week I get under 200.
So your are probably wondering what those charms are on my Key Chain. The 5K charm is when I walked the Weight watchers 5K and the 16 is a "Good job for staying with the program for 16 weeks!" charm.
When we lose weight in the meetings, not only do we swap ideas, but together we socialize and share experiences. So yeah, Small goal this week, 1 pound!
*Go me!*

Congratulations, I'm sure you will reach your goal.
Aw, I'm proud of you honey :o)
I know how hard it is to drop those lbs and your doing great xoxo
YES! Congrats, lady! Good job! and Good luck reaching your 1lb goal this week.. YOU CAN DO IT ;)
Way to go! I am happy for you Stef, especially that you were able to keep to your goals during such a challenging time. Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! A little bit at a time I think can be even better because you don't have to do something radical to lose it and risk gaining it back. I think you can do the 1 easily!!! :-)
You go girl! I know you'll reach your goal and you'll probably surpass it too! (:
nice im glad your doing so well. its a hard and long process but stay commited. im proud of u =)
YAY!! GO STEF...ITS YO BIRTHDAY!! Girl you are doing so good! I know you can reach 199!! Keep it up chica! Kiah
Great job Steph! You're so gonna do the 199... I can feel it! So proud of u!!!!
Congrats on losing the weight! :]
congrats! i am a new reader of yours. btw. i have tried to look through your archives but was wondering if you could let us know exactly what you're doing in being so successful with your weigth loss....?
thank you & i look forward to continue reading your blog!
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